Slang Synonyms For Making Money
- #1
There are many slang for "money" (dosh, dough....) but do any have a compliment?
(I'm going to explain what I mean with compliment
We say "warm welcome" and not "friendly welcome". "Warm" and "welcome" come together.)
We can say:
He makes money from selling his junk on Ebay.
But "He makes dough from...." sounds strange, does it not?
Any ideas?
- #2
I've never heard anyone say "dough" to reference money, except, of course, in films--old films.
- #3
I've never heard anyone say "dough" to reference money, except, of course, in films--old films.
That can be. "Dough" and "bread" also can mean money, however. Maybe "dough" is London slang?
I am, but, not just referring to "dough" but any other slang words for money and the appropriate verb, which goes with them.
Thanks for your response.
- #4
There is no set expression that I can think of, but I don't see why we wouldn't say "He earns his dosh from selling..." / "He makes dosh from selling...".
(I think we wouldn't say "makes dough" because that sounds like a cooking term, but "makes his dough" sounds OK.)
- #5
You could say:
"He makes a mint (from) selling his junk on Ebay."
This is AE.
There's also: this too.
a. "He makes a lot of moolah (from) selling his junk on Ebay."
b. "He makes a small fortune (from) selling his junk on Ebay."
c. "He makes big bucks (from) selling his junk on Ebay."
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- #6
dough is used in American English also. Used mostly 50 years ago, as in "gimme the dough", when robbing a bank.
- #8
Boring moderator note: There are already plenty of threads dealing with slang terms for money itself (such as this one) ~ let's try and stick to the subject of 'slangy verbs for making [money]' in this one.
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- #12
My favourite is "to get a good screw (from)".
Also: To be on a good screw.(Someone, shortly, will say he's never heard of it—but I assure you...)
I've read "a good screw" meaning "a good job" in short stories and novels from the first half of the 20th century, but I don't remember if they were American or British.
EDIT: Not necessarily a job, but possibly also a scam.
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- #13
Impossible. I simply don't believe you, ewie.
No, honest! I have heard of screwing money out of people, though of course that's not quite the same thing.
EDIT: I've found this:
screw n.6 [mid-19C+] wages, salary [? the money one can screw out of one's employer]*
... but nothing closer.
*The Cassell Dictionary of Slang, 1998, p.1041
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Slang Synonyms For Making Money
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